Posted Workers Directive

Postings to Hungary: Observe the obligation to register.

Before employees are posted to Hungary for services, they must be registered via the online portal of the National Tax and Customs Office (NAV). Employers must prepare all necessary documents and ensure that employment and social security regulations are complied with during employment.

Before foreign companies send their employees to Hungary for services, they must be registered by the employer with the local employment authorities before starting work. For this purpose, there is an online portal with forms, in which all information about the company, the place of employment and the trading partner in Hungary must be provided.

The process of sending messages in Hungary:

  1. Determination of the responsible country of posting: If an employee works temporarily in Hungary and continues to remain covered by social security in his home country, the home country is the country of posting.
  2. Preparation of required documents: Before the PWD notification can be filed, a number of documents must be prepared, including the employment contract, proof of social security in the home country, proof of salary payments and hours worked, and travel and residence documents.
  3. Setting up the user account on the National Tax and Customs Office (NAV) website: In order to file the PWD report in Hungary, the employer must set up a user account on the National Tax and Customs Office website.
  4. Submission of the PWD report: The PWD report must be submitted electronically via the user account on the Hungarian Labour Inspectorate website
  5. Proof of submission: After submitting the PWD notification, the employer receives confirmation that the submission was successful. This confirmation must be kept while working in Hungary.
  6. Compliance with employment and social security regulations: The employer and the employee must comply with all applicable labor and social security regulations while working in Hungary. This includes payment of social security contributions in Hungary.

It is important to note that filing the PWD notification is only part of the legal requirements for posting workers in Hungary. Other rules and regulations must also be observed, in particular with regard to tax liability and local working conditions.

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