A1 certificate (automation)

December 11, 2023
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Explanation A1 certificate

The A1 certificate is a document for employees who work in another EU country or are sent there for a short time. The certificate provides information on the employee's social security obligation. However, manually issuing the A1 certificate can be very time-consuming and prone to errors. The certificate confirms that the person will continue to remain in their home country of social security.

The challenge of manual exhibition

The manual issuance of the A1 certificate is a process that can take a lot of time. This is because the preparation of the document requires a wide range of data from various sources. This includes data from the HR system, the travel booking platform, and social security databases. Manual issuance can therefore be very prone to errors, as data can be entered incorrectly or transmitted incorrectly.

Automation potential

One way to automate the A1 certification process is to use special software solutions such as Premote. Here, the required data is read directly from the HR system and the travel booking platform and used automatically to generate the certificate. Thanks to the direct connection via API to HR systems and travel booking platforms, travel data and HR master data can be transformed and used for reporting. The data is therefore updated automatically and there is no longer any need to manually request or enrich data. This not only saves time, but also minimizes the risk of errors and ensures more efficient process management.


The A1 certificate is an important document for employees who work abroad in the EU for a limited period of time or are sent there for a short time. However, manually issuing the certificate can be very time-consuming and prone to errors. By using premote, companies can automate the A1 certification process and thus save themselves many hours of manual effort. A direct connection via API to HR systems and travel booking platforms enables automatic updating of data and minimizes the risk of errors.

A1 certificates with premote

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