Posted Workers Directive

Postings to Slovenia: Requirements and reporting requirements.

For postings to Slovenia, companies must register their employees with the Slovenian tax office and apply for a tax number. The PWD notification is made via a special portal and requires the submission of relevant documents such as employment contract and social security certificate. A copy of the report should always be available to avoid legal consequences. Automated solutions make the process easier.

Companies and self-employed people from other EU countries must register employment in Slovenia with the national authorities via a special portal. Detailed information about posting to Slovenia is available in German on the page for posted workers (“”), which was produced by the Slovenian Ministry of Labour as part of an EU project.

The process of sending messages in Slovenia:

Make sure that your employees fall under the PWD: The PWD applies to workers who are posted by a company in one EU country to another EU country to work there for a limited period of time.

  1. Register with the Slovenian Tax Office: You must register with the Slovenian Tax Office and apply for a tax number. Without this tax number, you cannot file a PWD report.
  2. Fill out the PWD reporting form: The PWD reporting form must be completed in Slovenian. The form contains information about the sending company, the receiving company, the posted worker, and the type of work that is being carried out.
  3. Include the required documentation: You must also submit certain documents, including a copy of the posted worker's employment contract, a copy of the social security document, and a confirmation of the worker's place of residence.
  4. Submit the PWD notification: Once the form has been completed and the required documents have been submitted, you must submit the PWD notification to the Slovenian Labour Inspectorate.
  5. Keep a copy of the PWD message: It is important to keep a copy of the PWD message as you may need to provide it.

Overall, filing a PWD notification in Slovenia is an important step to ensure that your employees are protected in accordance with EU regulations and that you avoid legal consequences. Make sure you learn about the requirements ahead of time and have all necessary documentation ready to make the process smooth.

The information provided on this website does not constitute legal advice and is not intended to address any legal issues or problems that may arise in individual cases. The information on this website is of a general nature and is provided for informational purposes only. If you need legal advice for your individual situation, you should seek the advice of a qualified attorney.

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